Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'This is Not Our City' (2008)

Surface Gallery, Nottingham, 2008
Group show in prominent Nottingham gallery, close to city-centre and Nottingham-Trent University. Presenting work involving themes around identity, memory and location - in paint, video, photography, mixed-media and installation. Show publication produced, including a foreword by art historian Dr. Jennie Hawksley. 

This is Not Our City

'In the first instance this show brings together a kaleidoscope of images, both moving and still, sounds and constructed spaces by artists whose words already speak fulsomely for themselves. The purpose of this brief essay, then, is to reflect upon this exhibition project as a whole rather than to review individual and separated works. 
Yet this combination of works immediately resist the attempt to find unitary meaning within its variety, offering instead the possibility of registering consonance rather than effecting a simpler process of 'making sense'. Such a process would fail here in any case, suggesting that the individual pieces through some sort of synecdochal manoeuvre would represent the exhibition project as a whole. The works themselves, in their crops and perspectival obliqueness embrace the fragmentary, the transient, in incomplete. The part here, through clearly a part, is all that there is. And that resistance is announced, at the outset, in the show title'.....

(from the foreword by Dr. Jennie Hawksley) 

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